Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Best post ever! or (C.R.A.D.)?

I wanted to tell you about uh, UH, UH, Oh shoot I forgot. This could have been the best post ever but I forgot what I wanted to post. I think there needes to be a new definition added to the dictionary, I don't know maybe even a new medical study done, to explain why people forget what they wanted to do when they sit down in front of the computer.
Please would any one let me know why this happens or if there is a support group out there to help me. Does this ever happen to you? You are at work or in the car and you say to yourself; don't forget to go to www.whatever... that would be a great site. Then you get home and sit down and fire up the ol' computer, click on the browser and think oh let me check my email real quick then I will go to that site. Next you have to delete 20 spam mails about bigger this smaller that medication for things you didn't even know existed and that poor nigerian woman who lost her husband but not his money. Then you read your actual mail, not the seven forwards of stupid jokes, you maybe write a few friends before logging out. Now you wanted to go to that website, what was it again? Oh shoot I forgot.
Well I have that problem all the time and not just websites but now it's blogging as well. I think of all the cool things during the day that I will post when I get home, you know those prize winning, world stopping, heart wrenching stories that will become legend when someone important stumbles across your blog. Instead I sit hear and post this kind of rubbish that no one will read past the first paragraph, and put in a few pictures for good measure.
So please help me define this and put a name to this problem like C.R.A.D.(Computer Related Alzheimer Disease) or something.


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